FOR STUFF YOU CAN'T PUT IN THE WASH: Use the military grade odor remover on helmets, vests, boots and all kinds of fishing, camping or hunting gear to refresh it and get it ready for action.
POWERFUL FORMULA: Unlike conventional fresheners and sprays, FunkAway's exclusive OM Complex eliminates the toughest odors at the source. Just spray it on, let it air dry and the odor's gone. FunkAway is guaranteed to work.
BRAND STATEMENT: Shop our full catalog of odor elimination products to control everything from car odors to sweat smells – all made in the USA
Introducing FunkAway, the ultimate solution for getting rid of unpleasant smells instead of just covering them up with fragrances. Specifically designed for first responders and outdoor enthusiasts, the Extreme Military Grade Odor Eliminating AeroSpray is ideal for eliminating odors caused by sweat and stinky gear.
WORKS ON ALL SMELLS: FunkAway is a must-have for firefighters, police officers, service members, hunters, anglers and anyone who sweats for a living. Get rid of sweaty, musty, smoke and pet odors.