FOR STUFF YOU CAN'T PUT IN THE WASH: Use the sport odor remover on cleats, helmets, pads, shin guards, gym bags, boxing gloves, yoga mats, camping gear and more.
WORKS ON ALL SMELLS: FunkAway is a must-have for parents, athletes, gym rats and coaches. Keep the sport odor eliminator in your gym bag or locker to get rid of sweaty, musty and damp odors at any moment.
LIVE A FUNK-FREE LIFE: Shop our full catalog of odor elimination products to control everything from car odors to sweat smell – all made in the USA.
THE ULTIMATE ODOR REMOVER: Instead of covering up unpleasant smells with perfumed air fresheners and sprays, eradicate them using FunkAway Sport Aerosol Spray. This deodorizing spray is ideal for tackling musty, sweaty sports equipment.
POWERFUL FORMULA: Unlike conventional fresheners and sprays, FunkAway's exclusive OM Complex eliminates the toughest odors at the source. Just spray it on, let it air dry and the odor's gone. FunkAway is guaranteed to work.